Christmas - Messages & Songs
This Christmas page is dedicated to link of Christmas messages and Christmas songs. .
God's Greatest Gift to mankind HIS Son Jesus.
Christ MAS = Christ living in Me As Savior
View links below to hear some reminder of the God Jesus who came and took the form of a baby to be the light of the world and to bring us life, Eternal Life.
God the Father shows us His Great Love by sending God the Son to show us what He is like and to offer His Son as the ultimate Gift for our salvation.
Amazing LOVE by the True and Living God.
Artist display:
Additional Songs:
God is LOVE and we are able to love because love comes from God. All love songs is made possible because of Jesus. All great love is nothing if you neglect to get the Best Love Gift that comes from Jesus and that is Pass to Heaven.
Here is a lady who does not forget to give thanks to her God even when she is the best in her profession. Her thanking her Lord shows her gratitude. Whitney giving glory to God. Do we dare to thank our God in public like Witney Houston?

This page was last updated: April 17, 2015