Health Evidence Topic - CEBM Oxford

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine

The Centre is housed within the Nuffield
Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
at the University of Oxford and is led by the
Director, Professor Carl Heneghan who is
also Senior Tutor of Kellogg College and an
active General Practitioner working in Oxford.

The Centre is managed by Ms Ruth Davis
who has several years’ experience in academic health care management and administration. Ruth is responsible for the day to day running of the Centre as well as a focal point for external inquiries about the Centre. Ruth is also responsible for maintaining the Centre’s ability to respond to new initiatives and update its methods of interaction and dissemination.

More about CEBM

Best Research Paper of all time - Conference about Truth on real results and Evaluation of Health results - 51mins

Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much? - 6mins

Resolving the Health Care Crisis: T. Colin Campbel at TEDxEast - 18mins

Plant Based Nutrition: Julieanna Hever at TEDxConejo 2012 - 9mins

Food as Medicine: Christa Orechio at TEDxVillageGate - 19mins

I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013 - 19mins

How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy | Luke Durward | TEDxYorkU

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich - 16mins

Forget big change, start with a tiny habit: BJ Fogg at TEDxFremont - 17mins

Magnesium Reduce Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Stress and much more! - 6m

Magnesium (Super Food Secrets) Magnesium - 12m

Free from adrenal fatigue, liverproblems, gout, anxiety, depression, insomnia, PMS, brainfog - 8m

I Cured My Depression On A Raw Vegan Diet - 8m

5 Amazing Super Foods to Beat Depression! - 5m

How to Make a Behavior Addictive: Zoë Chance at TEDxMillRiver - 16mins

How to Retire by 20 | Kristen Hadeed | TEDxUF - 14mins

Find Your Passion, Discover Your Future: Michael Costigan at TEDxYouth@Conejo - 11mins

How to find your passion and inner awesomenes | Eugene Hennie | TEDxMMU - 16mins

The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen - 13mins

Select the right relationship | Alexandra Redcay | TEDxUpperEastSide - 17mins

Is it lust or is it love? | Terri Orbuch | TEDxOaklandUniversity - 17mins

This page was last updated: May 14, 2015