Illuminati - we hear the name Illuminati many times but who are they really? Some say they are Evil men/woman wanting to rule people. Are they Satanic occult?
This page is informative for Christians as well as non Christians who wants to know the truth about Illuminati. Do not stay in the dark ages like our politicians. Your life & family's future is at stake. I am serious be informed before it is too late.
Information on Illuminati and Satanic occult:
Are most leaders into the Illuminati/Satanic group? Before voting that would be very important to know but alas no one would tell you if they were a member of a Satanic/Illuminati group would they.
One question you could ask is : "What do you think of Abortion"
In Canada Liberals are for killing babies. You cannot run as a liberal candidate if you do not believe in killing babies. Babies as well as kids are sacrificed in a Satanic ritual. Most of us killing or sacrificing kids in a ritualm would be discusting but for members of Illuminari/Satanic group it is a ceremony. Parents even offer their children and that is even more sickening.
Do we really know who we are voting for when we vote. Could we be voting for an anti God or worse a member of the Satanic occult. Now the word Illuminati is used as powerful group but their top leader is only Satan. The Christians top leader is God and God created Satan. God is all powerful and no one in any Satanic occult is as powerful as God or any TRUE Born aagin Christian. Any of their power comes from being in a position of authority that people have voted these Evil People in.
It is so important to know who you are voting for. You may be voting in power a Satanic occult member. Any laws or by laws passed by these Satanic occult memeber will not be good for you or your family.
Just recently we were told it is illigal to PRAY before a City meeting.
Police are aware where there are dogs & cats starting to disapear in an area Kids will soon be kidnaped for Satanic sacrifice ritual and/or sex slaves.
Some info from lady on Oprah show
This page was last updated: April 6, 2016