Satan - anti Christ:

The name anti Christ is anyone who does not recognize that Jesus is God the Son equal to God the Father. 

Jesus said I am the LIGHT the anti Christ would be darkness.

Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life no one comes to the Father (God) but by me.  Anti Christ followers will go with satan in the lake of fire called hell and be in eternal damnation for eternity with their leader satan. .

There is no other way to the Father but through Jesus Christ not the anti Christ.

Over the years so many people have written books telling us who the anti Christ is.  All have been wrong and they have missed a simple bible verse.  Anyone denying that my Son Jesus is God the Son is the anti Christ.  All the wrong guess from authors have picked mostly those who believe Jesus is God the Son with the exception of Omama.

Here are I believe much more accurate information and does seem to be matching what the bible says.  Listen for yourself and judge the accuracy.  Enjoy

Who is the Antichrist? The Answer May Surprise You!- John McArthur  - 7m

The Antichrist Beast Confederacy Announced in Turkey - 5m

Turkish 'Antichrist' Erdogan Calls On The Muslims Of The World To Invade Jerusalem - 2m

Antichrist Turkey preparing 'Peace' Deal w Israel - 4m

Discovering The Antichrist!! Syria/Turkey/Iraq/Iran/Egypt - 30m

"END TIMES ALERT" Turkey † Israel † Greece † America † Αντίχριστος - 24m
A must hear good information - ex terrorist to Christian

Gog Magog Identified. ITS NOT RUSSIA. - 7m
Accurate geography of countries - true North

Bible Prophecy and the Coming Muslim anti-Christ - 76m

That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge - [OFFICIAL] - 3m

The Trinity Explained (with Reason) - 7m

The Trinity Explained 2 (with Reason) - 6m

The Trinity in the Old Testament - 14m


Jesus and the Woman at the Well. John Chapter 4 Bible Movie - 7m

Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World, the Truth Shall Make You Free - 4m

ABOVE ALL - the passion of christ - 5m

Woman Caught in Adultery John 8:1-11 - 3m

Jesus Movie - Gospel of Luke - PT.4 - 8m

Jesus Movie - Gospel of Luke - PT.5 - 6m

Jesus Movie - Gospel of Luke - PT.9 - 7m

Jesus Movie - Gospel of Luke - PT.10 - 9m


A Touching Video Clip - 5m

Only One Bridge To "CROSS" ! - 3m

Priority - 3m

The Journey. - 2m

Jesus Christ : The Bridge To GOD - 1m

We Are The Reason - 5m

This page was last updated: November 25, 2015